
We were given a presentation on the brief stared with what the brief it is asking us to do and then artist information and how they did Reportage in there own way . the brief ask use to report and investigate a place and become reports by drawing ,film,photography found objects and interviews . we could form are own out come as long as you communicate your chosen story.I was interested in the artist Sue Coe : meat the most and also Anne Howesen and Oliver kugler. this project is about do the opposite of narrative we were to source are own images thought drawing and photos.

We had to give a presentation on 4 different location that we were interested in reporting on  . I had chosen location to do with problem in society  and the problem that I focus on was consumerism because I was very interested in doing a project on it because I had just research it for my globalization essay.


I chosen to do McDonald as my location because I thought about the time I have to do the project in and also the coast of travel as we have to be able to visit are location 5 time .



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